Sempena masih dlm musim Aidiladha ni, aku ingin amik ksempatan untuk mengucapkn Selamat Menyambut AidilAdha walaupn agk terlambat....Dh bape ekor lembu/kambing yg saudara-saudari tumbangkn? Atau mungkin unta? Paling cikai pn....bape ekor ayam?
So, skang ni aku pn sedang bercuti....cuti Aidiladha. Act, shouldn't call as holiday coz it's just a 3 days. Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Sbtu & Ahad 2 dh memang sah cuti....so, it's just friday day off. But, what can we do. Dat's JAD....mmg dh termaktub dlm perlembagaan JAD, cuti skit. Kedek tul....haha.
Eventhough it's just 3 days off.....my family & I had a great day. We went to Puteri Harbour...sj tgk pemandangan kt situ. Act, it's a new site that is still under development. Located at WPI, Gelang Patah, Johor near where Legoland gonna be build. My mum brought us there....just to have the view of sea & beautiful scenery. Orng cakp kalo tgk alam semulajadi ni, blh tenangkn fikiran & hilangkan stress. So, dat's da point. Hilangkn stress belaja (reason sama je) Huhu...
So, below is da pic....hope U'll enjoy it too. Do come to WPI 4 urself....haha. (Nk promote Johor la ni).