"I want to be an entrepreneur when i grown up."
Dat's my ambition since da age of 14.
One day, I read about a book entitled "losing my virginity." At first, I thought...man, wut kind of book is dis? Since virgin in malay means 'dara'. So, losing my virginity means saya hilang dara. Damn, wut's dis. Curiosity crawled in me....so, I read bout it.

Losing my virginity...interesting topic
Seriously, at dat moment, i didn't knew dat virgin is a name of a multi-national company. So, since dat moment....i knew exactly what does he meant by "losing my virginity" and he, Richard Branson has created one of the most recognizable brands in the world. He is now listed in top 50 most richest people in the world. Richard Branson is my idol entrepreneur.
A little bit history of him (this section was written in BM) :
-1960, beliau, 16 tahun menerbitkan akhbar 'Student at the Age of Sixteen' dan belia menempa kejayaan yang besar di bidang penerbitan hanya dengan majalah berkenaan.
-1970, mula menceburi bidang muzik dan menubuhkan sebuah syarikat yang diberi nama Branson and Co. yang menjual kaset-kaset lagu.
-Membuka sebuah kedai muzik yang diberi nama Virgin kerana beliau beranggapan, beliau masih mentah dalam dunia perniagaan.
-1972, studio rakaman pertama Virgin Records(now known as V2 Music) ditubuhkan di Oxfordshire, England.
-1984, mula menceburi industri penerbangan dengan menubuhkan syarikat penerbangan sendiri iaitu Virgin Airlines(sekarang ditukar menjadi Virgin Atlantic) dan menjadi syarikat penerbangan antarabangsa kedua terbesar di Britain.

-Menubuhkan syarikat minuman berperisa yang dikenali dengan nama Virgin Cola dan minumannya berjaya mengatasi penjualan pepsi.
Act, there's still another Virgin company but i don't know about the history of their establishment. From research i found in the internet, there is....
Virgin Megastores - Music Super-markets located in major locations in the UK, USA and Australia.
Virgin Books - Publisher and distributor of books.
Virgin Credit Card - Branson's attempt to provide credit card at a reasonable price.
Virgin Holidays - Book a holiday and fly Virgin Atlantic?
Virgin Trains - Virgin making trains sexy in the United Kingdom.
Virgin Active - Chain of fitness clubs throughout the United Kingdom.
Virgin Galactic - Branson's planned affordable flight to space venture.
So, dat's a brief story bout my idol entrepreneur. Hope I can be 1 of it one day thus can bring back our economy stable....Insya Allah. Penguasaan dari segi ekonomi...sepertimana yang kita pernah kecapi dulu di zaman kegemilangan Islam, dat's my hope. Kenapa kita tak boleh kalahkan yahudi? Sedangkn negara mereka kecil...saudara2 Islam kita di seluruh dunia ramai. Bilangan kita ramai tetapi umpama buih di lautan....x terdaya melakukan apa2. Economy is one of da factor. With money, they can buy weapons to destroy and kill our relatives in Palestine. Most of the world's richest people is a jew....Donald Trump as example. When muslim conquer the world economy, we can help the palestinian to free themselves by providing military source. Let's money do the talking....

Looking at my own brand (ti:zed)....perhaps