Assalamualaikum & hello to all my readers,
Yesterday (Saturday, 16th April 2011), my friends and i paid a visit to KL Convention Center where PC Fair 2011 was held. As usual, the place's crowded.
We; (me, Pian, Nyai, Qilong and Izmar da street magician) depart from our beloved TBP around 11.30 noon. Took a ktm, putra lrt to KLCC......bla....bla...bla.
Actually, this post is not to tell about my experienced during the PC Fair (eventhough that's what the title looks like). Who cares, it's my blog....so, it's up to me. =)
But, that doesn't mean that this post is rubbish.....i just want to share some new things that i've learnt from my last visit to PC Fair.
So, during my last visit, i learnt 2 new things:
1st : Acer latest and most-advanced laptop; Acer Iconia laptop.

Seriously, i didn't knew about the existence of this kind of laptop created by Acer. I was like....amazed when i first saw it. About the explanation, i'll search for it and insya Allah i'll post it here. Just for in time being, i just posted a few image of it, and a close-up video. Hope u guys will get a good imagine about this laptop. You can watch the video H.E.R.E.!!!
Enjoy the video. =)
Enjoy the video. =)
2nd : Intel 2nd generation chipset
Again, i still didn't fully understand about this. What i knew that this 2nd generation is upgrade from the previous version, 1st generation chipset. So, when i say about 'upgrade'....for sure the performance, graphic, overall meter is higher than before. So, this can be concluded by intel new 2nd generation chipset has a higher graphic, faster performance and an absolute increase in overall meter compared to the previous version.

I'll try to collect as much information as i could. Don't worry to my fellow readers, i'll share it as soon as i got it.
So, that's what the main of this post...just wanna share some new trendy gadget. Hope you guys enjoy it and sorry for the lack of information. I'll try to update it a bit more.
For those who never had a chance to visit PIKOM PC Fair, below are some of the pictures:
So, that's what the main of this post...just wanna share some new trendy gadget. Hope you guys enjoy it and sorry for the lack of information. I'll try to update it a bit more.
For those who never had a chance to visit PIKOM PC Fair, below are some of the pictures:

That's some of the view from PIKOM PC Fair....where low, medium and high-end stuff gather along and for sure, crowded with people who wants to know more about those technological gadgets. Plus, more modellllllllllll...........hahaha
Just for an extra info, i've spent RM100 during visiting it. Should bring along an extra cash. huhu.
Just for an extra info, i've spent RM100 during visiting it. Should bring along an extra cash. huhu.

So, that's all for this post. I sure i'll update it again about the Acer Iconia and intel 2nd generation chipset. Thanks for reading. *Peace*