So, dalam kebosanan aku tgh duduk kat umah...aku pun belek2 la mag lama yg ada kat umah. Drpd mag yg aku lyn giler2 zaman skola dl (x pernah miss 1 epsde) ; Utopia & Hype, mag kete seperti Get@Car n last2 belek la mag skola aku. Smbil2 belek mag skola, kenangan lama hadir plak dlm diri. Aku baca mag skola aku thn 2004 nye (my 1st year in SDAR).....
What dat attract me in dis mag is maxim of da fivers. Fivers warisan 00'4 (F5 aku)....
So, dis is a little of their maxim :
I'm nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore I'm perfect!
Mankind are same as cloud. They can be dark unexpectedly while they are shining.
Scorned by many, understood by few are the parts of REVOLUTIONARY. (I don't understand bout dis).
Knowledge & friends ; the more you share, the more you get.
Never fail to plan or you will plan to fail.
Saya tidak semestinya menjadi yang terbaik tetapi apa saja saya lakukan, saya lakukan dengan sebaik mungkin.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. Jgn salahkan perpisahan, salahkan pertemuan, kerana pertemuan adalah punca perpisahan.
Laughter is the best medicine. So, don't go to clinic, and have fun doing ur work.
Nice to see, nice to hold, once broken, leave it ALONE.
The strongest man is not a wrestler, the strongest man is someone who can control over his anger.
Quitter never win, and winner never quit, but those who never quit AND never win are idiots.
Today's preparation determines tomorrow's achievement.
So, dis is a little of their maxim :
I'm nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore I'm perfect!
Mankind are same as cloud. They can be dark unexpectedly while they are shining.
Scorned by many, understood by few are the parts of REVOLUTIONARY. (I don't understand bout dis).
Knowledge & friends ; the more you share, the more you get.
Never fail to plan or you will plan to fail.
Saya tidak semestinya menjadi yang terbaik tetapi apa saja saya lakukan, saya lakukan dengan sebaik mungkin.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. Jgn salahkan perpisahan, salahkan pertemuan, kerana pertemuan adalah punca perpisahan.
Laughter is the best medicine. So, don't go to clinic, and have fun doing ur work.
Nice to see, nice to hold, once broken, leave it ALONE.
The strongest man is not a wrestler, the strongest man is someone who can control over his anger.
Quitter never win, and winner never quit, but those who never quit AND never win are idiots.
Today's preparation determines tomorrow's achievement.
Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. (nice word from my English Teacher, Sir Nordin).
Sekali anda mendabik dada atas kejayaan anda, nescaya anda akan jatuh rebah! (jangan riak).
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. (ni cilok ayat George Santayana, the life of reason.)
Diligence is a virtue. Procrastination is a weakness. Somehow both can get along well.
Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
Kepahitan hidup di dunia adalah kemanisan hidup di akhirat, manakala kemanisan hidup di dunia adalah kepahitan hidup di akhirat. Manakah yang menjadi pilihan?
Aku rasa cukup je kot maxim utk skang ni....aku pn dh penat menyalin. In a nutshell, when we down or feel like there's no hope to live....think again. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui dan ingatlah bahawa Allah tidak kejam, Allah tidak akan menguji hambaNya melainkan hambaNya mampu untuk menghadapi ujian/dugaan tersebut. Dugaan yang menimpa kita pasti ada jalan penyelesaiannya. Sebelum undur bicara, sedikit lagi kata-kata semangat yang boleh menaikkan semangat jika kita pernah gagal atau sedang menghadapi kegagalan.
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